Information and media delivery - Click for Datasheet
MVP supports the latest multimedia formats:

Including stored and live content in network streaming formats, as well as non-streaming formats. Network streaming formats supported include:

  • Advanced Streaming Format (ASF).
  • Video On Demand (VOD).
  • Moving Picture Experts Group standard 1, 2, 3 and 4 (MPEG1-4).
  • Windows Media Formats - wma, wmv.

In addition to the preceding standard formats listed, MVP supports playback of RealAudio (RA) and RealVideo (RV) content.

Non-streaming (local playback) formats supported by MVP include all of the network streaming formats previously listed and the following:

  • Audio-Video Interleaved (AVI)
  • Quicktime (MOV)
  • Musical Instrument Digital Interface (MIDI)
  • Indeo 5
  • Waveform Audio (WAV)
  • Sound File (SND)
  • UNIX audio (AU)
  • Audio Interchange File Format (AIFF)

Support for these formats allows the ePC to operate as a set top decoder for satellite TV (DVB) with up to 100 hours of live video recording in local storage. MP3 audio support allows up to 8,000 audio music tracks at CD quality to be stored on a standard ePC.

Advanced Streaming Format (ASF)

MVP can process ASF Stream Redirector (ASX) files, providing information such as the Uniform Resource Locator (URL), to receive unicast or multicast streams from an intranet or the Internet (via modem or DVB from satellite), as well as any other type of supported media content. Both NetShow™ and RealNetworks® RealAudio® Metafiles can be processed by MVP.

Image Formats

MVP supports all standard image formats recommended for fast media interchange.  For the fastest animation response use bitmap format, which is the native format used by the Windows operating system.

  • Image files (bmp, jpg, png)

Page Transistions

MVP now includes nearly 40 page and object transition effects, most of which can be customised.  Effects range from smooth motion slides, scrolls and   wipes, to 3D curls, rolls, alphablends, twists, pixelate, radial wipes and surface projections - ripple, water and lens.  The more sophiticated effects provide TV studio effect quality on ePC enhanced computer systems.

Future enhancements - Click here for more information.

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